Sierra believes in having heart is key to being in healthcare.
Sierra Garcia started with Recruitment Alley in June of 2021 after one of her friends helped her overcome her wary feelings toward agencies.
Sierra’s passion and dedication for genuinely caring for patients are what landed her as our Healthcare Rockstar of the Month for April 2022.
Her dedication to healthcare really shines through when asked about what she would do in her spare time if she didn’t have to work and she responded, “If I was wealthy, I would probably donate my spare time to the nursing homes and do the activities with them… 'cause you can find me a lot in the activities room with the patients. I like to talk to them and help them. One of them is doing sewing so she's showing me how to use her sewing machine, so I sit there with her when I have time.”
Besides her younger siblings who are the main reason for her motivation, she has her French bulldogs: Chico, Paco, and Lotto, and her cat Kiki who keep her working hard.
Sierra has explained that her experience at Recruitment Alley is a positive one due to her communication with the internal staff and how easy she believes it is to solve a problem compared to others’ shared experiences.
Working in healthcare comes with many challenges and a vital piece to surviving in the field according to Sierra is, “treating others the way you want to be treated because you got to have heart. If you don’t have a heart, you don’t belong here.”
Sierra shows us that she follows her own mantra and paves an excellent example for others who want to know what caring for others and being a hard worker is all about.